Well Test Analysis
This course will illustrate the well test analysis tool is the most effective tool of the reservoir management to make realistic decisions related to reservoir development and well production optimization through actual case studies throughout the workshop. The course will cover the fundamentals concepts of well testing and also the most advanced techniques using the Kappa (Saphir) software, including testing of Multi-stage Frac of Horizontal Wells (MFHW’s), Mini fracing (DFIT), multi- phase analysis, deconvolution, rate and time-dependent skin factor, multi-phase, Inflow Control Devices (ICD’s), flow behind casing, multi-layers and more. Also, to offer hands-on experience, attendees are encouraged to bring interesting well test data for analysis and discussion in the class, using commercial software. A scientific hand calculator will required for the offered class problems. A detailed course hand-out, which is an excellent reference, will be provided.
- Understand the theory in a concise fashion but the focus is on the practical applications for good reservoir management & production optimization
- Learn how to set test objectives and select the appropriate test to meet test objectives including test design.
- Learn how to evaluate data quality and how to analyze various tests using commercial software.
- Get familiar with the latest analysis techniques for conventional and unconventional reservoirs
February 19-21, 2024
Register at:pmg@petromgt.com
This course is aimed at reservoir, petroleum, and exploitation engineers/ technologists. Other discipline staff; such as geoscientists
Daily Agenda:
Day 1:
- Review of the flow equations
- Dimensionless parameters
- Boundary conditions
- Solution of the diffusivity equation (Class problem)
- Wellbore storage effects and detecting
Day 2:
- Build-up test analysis
- Class problem
- Wellbore skin factor and partial penetration
- Draw-down testing (Case study)
- Hydraulically fractured wells
- Practical well testing
- Well test interpretations
- Operation of well testing
Day 3:
- Advanced developments of well test analysis techniques, including deconvolution and multiphase analysis
- Review/analyze well tests provided by attendees, including the use of commercial software
- Closing comments and a question
Mr. Saad Ibrahim
P. Eng, president of Petro Management Group Ltd.
He has over 35 years of diversified experience in the oil and gas Industry and known as a worldwide highly recognized engineering consultant and a distinguished instructor.
He also completed a post- graduate program with the University of Calgary in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. The focus of Mr. Ibrahim’s experience lies in the area of Reservoir management, and well test planning/analysis. Mr. Ibrahim is a member of APEGA and SPE.