Performance Evaluation of Horizontal Wells

Mr. Saad Ibrahim, P. Eng
April 7-10 & Nov. 3-6,  2025

Course Objective:

This course provides in-depth background and state-of-the-art tools necessary to maximize the performance of Hz wells.  Practical examples will illustrate how candidate horizontal wells are selected and designed using multi-disciplined team efforts to ensure both technical and economic benefits are maximized. Methods used to predict well performance; such as, expected production rate, drainage area, and fluid coning will be explained through class problems.  Optimization of Multi-stage Fracing of Horizontal Wells (MFHW), including the number of frac stages, spacing between the frac stages, size of the fracs, and how to take advantage of the “sweet spots”, will be illustrated using advanced software. The art of well test interpretations will be discussed including the benefits of Mini frac (DFIT) to improve the frac design. The challenge of reserves estimates for tight/unconventional reservoirs using advanced decline curve analysis and probabilistic techniques will be reviewed.  Excellent course notes will be provided.

Live Online:

Cost: $3,100 (+5% GST)

On-demand (Recorded):
Cost: Full Course $1500 (+ 5% GST)
Download Full Fee Schedule (PDF)

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This course is aimed at all the technical staff such as reservoir, petroleum and exploitation engineers/technologists, geophysicists, and geologists who are involved in well production/injection optimization and hydraulic frac design.

Mr. Saad Ibrahim, P. Eng, president of Petro Management Group Ltd. He has over 35 years of diversified experience in the oil and gas Industry as a worldwide highly recognized engineering consultant and a distinguished instructor. He also completed a post-graduate program with the University of Calgary in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. The focus of Mr. Ibrahim’s experience lies in the area of Reservoir management, and well test planning/analysis. Mr. Ibrahim is a member of APEGA and SPE.

Live Online:
Cost: $2400 (+ 5% GST)

On-demand (Recorded):
Cost: Full Course $1500 (+ 5% GST)
Download Full Fee Schedule (PDF)

Performance Evaluation of Horizontal Wells

(Pre-recorded option)

Only pay for what you need!!

For the On-Demand (pre-recorded) option, please make your selection of your choice:

  1. Attend the full course (all sections) for only $1,355 which is 20% off, + 5% GST
  2. Select the requested section(s), and add up the fee of each section + 5% GST


Course agenda:

Section 1:   Benefits/Applications of Horizontal Wells

(Duration 1 hr. & 7 min)  Fee: $90.0

  1. Benefits of drilling horizontal and directional wells
  2. Uncertainties and risks; geological, drilling, and completion
  3. Case studies


Section 2:  Hz Well Productivity

(Duration: 4 hrs. 6 minutes)  Fee: $300.0

  1. Horizontal well drainage area (analytical/numerical methods)
  2. Productivity estimate of Multi-stage Fracing of Hz Wells (MFHW)
  3. Factors influencing well productivity
  4. Productivity of slanted wells

Section 3:  Evaluation tools of Tight Sands and Unconventional reservoirs

(Duration: 1 hrs. & 24 min)  Fee: $112.0

  1. Drilling and frac treatment statistical update in WCSB, including:
    1. Bakken
    2. Cardium
    3. Montney
    4. Horn River
    5. Duvernay
    6. Swan Hills

Section 4:  Design of Multi-stage Frac of Hz Wells (MFHW’s)

(Duration:  2 hr)  Fee: $160.0

  1. The number of fracs or frac spacing (case studies)
  2. Size of fracs and frac half-length
  3. Open hole vs. cased hole completion/fracing of MFHW’s
  4. How to take advantage of the “sweet spots”?

Section 5:  Well Testing

(Duration 1 hr & 19 min)   Fee: $105.0

  1. Flow geometry/regimes for Hz and slanted wells
  2. Well test analysis techniques
  3. Flow geometry/regimes for Hz and slanted wells
  4. Well test and production analysis techniques, including MFHW’s
  5. Case studies (Montney – Duvernay)

Section 6:  Mini Frac Applications (DFIT)

(Duration: 54 min)  Fee: $72.0

  1. Reasons/benefits of Mini Fracing
  2. Diagnoses of different types of leak-off
  3. Diagnostic Fracture Injection Test (DFIT) analysis techniques including:
  4. Pre-Frac Closure
  5. 5. After Closure Analysis (ACA) – Case studies
  6. Flowback analysis

Section 7:  OOIP/OGIP and Reserves Estimates

(Duration: 3 hrs & 49 min)  Fee: $305.0

  1. Advanced decline curve analysis for tight and unconventional formations, using PLE, SEPD, Modified hyperbolic and Duong
  2. Statistical, empirical methods, and well typing techniques
  3. Use of new numerical techniques to estimate Stimulated Reservoir Volume (SRV) and Contacted Reservoir Volume (CRV)
  4. case studies

Section 8:  Fluid coning

(Duration: 51 min)  Fee: $68.0

  1. Determination of the “Critical” rate and time to breakthrough
  2. Completion optimizing to minimize water production

Section 9:  Enhanced Oil Recovery using MFHW’s

(Duration: 1 hrs & 38 min)  Fee: $131.0

  1. Oil Recovery Mechanisms
  2. Optimization of Water flooding Using MFHW (case study)
  3. Techniques to control water production
  4. Gas and WAG* EOR Techniques
  5. Chemical flooding

Section 10:  Screening Criteria and Design Considerations for Horizontal Well Candidates

(Duration: 4 hrs & 41 min)  Fee: $375.0

  1. How to select successful Hz candidates
  2. Impact of Hz well orientation on well productivity
  3. Well Fracability; use of rock mechanic parameters to improve frac treatment results (brittle vs. ductile formations)
  4. Well flow-back considerations (case study)
  5. Use of new evaluation tools for MFHW’s
  6. Frac tips and material selection
  7. Production logging and “Intelligent” tracer surveys to evaluate performance of MFHW’s


Note: GST of 5% should be added to the above fees.