PBlack Oil modeling of the Nosrat Project and preparation of the master development plans. Evaluate oil depletion the extension of Nosrat field into the Fateh field in UAE. Software: Petrel, Eclipse
EOR Screening for 50 oil fields, using the modeling of six selecting fields, and supervision of Lab work Client: Iranian Offshore Oil Company (IOOC). Software: SelectEOR, Eclipse.
Binaloud Project (OOIP of 2 Billion bbl’s) : this project included the integration of all disciplines including: seismic processing/interpretations, petrophysical and geological interpretation to create a static model and subsequently finalized the dynamic model. The deliverables include preparing the MDP and the selection and application of appropriate EOR scheme Software: Petrel/Eclipse
Reservoir Management (new exploitation wells, waterflood conversions) for the Napo T formation of the Tiguino reservoir, Equador. Software: Petrel, IMEX
Prepare a simulation study to Evaluate the application of Multi-stage Frac Horizontal Wells in the Tyra offshore field, and perform hydraulic fracture design optimization Software: KAPPA Rubus and Topaz
Prepare a feasibility/simulation study for waterflood implementation of the Saar formation. Review and evaluate various exploration wells targeting the Basement and the Qishn formations Software: CMG/IMAX – Fekete – WEM
Project management of the different phases of the waterflood project (Napo T and Hollin zones) of the Tinguino Field; Ecuador. Reservoir simulation study was conducted using the IMAX model, by CMG.
Assisted the local staff in Buenos Aires (Argentina) to prepare a waterflood proposal of the Bella Vista Oeste Field. Project was approved and proceeded.
An integrated development plan was prepared for several fields, Ohanet Gas Project (Algeria), including: Five Devonian gas condensate reservoirs under active water-drive. Reservoir simulation study (EXODUS Model) and analytical techniques (Modified Gas Material Balance) were used. The Piper Model (surface gas network) was used to generate various production forecasts for the Ordovician Reservoir and to determine compression requirements.
Performed on-site due diligence of two field; Akepo (off-shore) and OFA (on-shore). Performed full development studies including: open hole log interpretations, construction of a geological model using Petrel software to assemble the reservoir model using CMG IMEX TM . A separate feasibility study was performed to confirm the economic viability of the project.
Performed on-site data collection of the Ain Zalah Field (Iraq), and assisted in the technical and logistical assessment to negociate the production sharing agreement. Generated the comprehensive project time-line chart, which was used as a project management tool (Microsoft Project program).
Evaluated and prepared development plans for the blocks offered in the 3rd bid round (Venezuela).
Performed on-site due diligence of the production and reservoir engineering data for US$120 MM acquisition of Yuzhneftegas. Performed reserves evaluation and prepared development scenario’s and related production forecasts for economic evaluation. Presented project to upper management.
Prepared scope of work to revamp the Kumkol Field and trained local staff to carry out recommendations to improve performance of waterflooding and resolve water injectivity problems.
Performed on-site due diligence and data collection for the acquisition of Karajambas by the Caspian sea.
Performed on-site due diligence and determined the oil and gas reserves of the fields: Zevardy, Pamuk, Kultak, Alan, Umid, Kruk and S. Kumachi.
Performed on-site due diligence and data collection of the Selmo field (Turkey) and theGama & Shukeir Fields in Egypt, including economic evaluation.
Estimated the remaining reserves and prepared data required for the economic evaluation of 700 wells in several oil producing properties in Peru.
Evaluated several production sharing opportunities in Libya (NN Block Sirte Basin) and the West Qarun Field in Egypt.