Basic Well Test Analysis

Saad Ibrahim, P. Engineer
Feb. 17-19 & Sept 8-10, 2025

Course Objective:

The objective of the Well Test Analysis Workshop is to provide a comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge of well test analysis techniques. Emphasis will be placed on the practical aspects of well testing and several class examples will be offered; a scientific hand calculator will be required. Further, the use of the analysis results as a reservoir management tool to make decisions related to reservoir development and well completion will be illustrated through actual case studies throughout the workshop. Recent developments in the testing of Multi-stage Frac of Horizontal Wells (MFHW’s) and Mini fracing (DFIT) are now included. Also, to offer hands-on experience, attendees are encouraged to bring interesting well test data for analysis and discussion in the class, using commercial software. A detailed course hand-out, which is an excellent reference, will be provided.

Live Online:

$2,400 per person plus 5% GST

On-demand (Recorded):
Cost: Full Course $1200 (+ 5% GST)
Download Full Fee Schedule (PDF)

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Who Should Attend:

This course is aimed at reservoir, petroleum, and exploitation engineers/technologists. Other discipline staff; such as geophysicists and geologists who are involved in the field development and exploitation will also benefit from this course.


Course Instructor:

Mr. Saad Ibrahim, P. Eng,


president of Petro Management Group Ltd. Mr. Ibrahim has over 35 years of diversified experience in the oil and gas industry as a worldwide highly recognized engineering consultant and a distinguished instructor. He also completed a post-graduate program with the University of Calgary in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. The focus of Mr. Ibrahim’s experience lies in the area of Reservoir management, EOR, and well test planning/analysis. Mr. Ibrahim is a member of APEGA and SPE.

Live Online:
Cost: Full Course $1600 (+ 5% GST)

On-demand (Recorded):
Cost: Full Course $1200 (+ 5% GST)
Download Full Fee Schedule (PDF)

Course Agenda:

Basic Well Test Analysis

Online course agenda:

Volume 1

Sections 1 to 3:   Theoritical Background

(Duration 56 min )  Fee: $75.0

  1. Flow geometry
  2. Basic flow equations; Darcy, continuity, and diffusivity equations
  3. Boundary conditions; infinite acting, P.S.S, Steady state
  4. Dimensionless parameters and its use in Type Curve matching

Section 4:   Solution of the Diffusivity Equation

(Duration: 1 hr 37 min)  Fee: $120.0

  1. Infinite acting
  2. Pseudo Steady state (P.S.S)
  3. Steady state
  4. Class problem on well interference

Section 5:   Buildup Test Analysis

(Duration: 60 min)  Fee: $80.0

  1. Horner plot applications and its assumptions
  2. Pressure derivative as a flow regime diagnostic tool
  3. MBH correction to estimate average reservoir pressure
  4. Multi-rate analysis using superposition principle
  5. Test analysis of a channel (linear flow)
  6. Perforation Inflow Test Analysis (PITA)

Section 6:  Wellbore damage

(Duration:  23 min)  Fee: $40.0

  1. Causes of wellbore damage
  2. Pressure drop due to wellbore damage
  3. Well flow efficiency
  4. Well Productivity Index
  5. Class Problem

Section 7:   Partial Penetration

(Duration 22 min)   Fee: $50.0

  1. Reasons of partial penetration
  2. Partial penetration (pseudo) skin estimate
  3. Flow regimes of partial penetration
  4. Class problem

Section 8:   Wellbore Storage (WBS)

(Duration: 48 min)   Fee: $70.0

  1. Cause of wellbore storage
  2. Benefits of evaluating wellbore storage
  3. Wellbore dynamics effects
  4. Use of wellbore storage in well test design

Section 9:   Well Types

(Duration: 18 min)  Fee: $60.0

  1. Benefits of type curves
  2. Use of type curves
  3. How to extract reservoir parameters using type curves.
  4. Class problem

Section 10:  Drawdown and Reservoir Limit Test (RLT)

(Duration: 56 min)  Fee: $80.0

  1. Draw-down testing (transient)
  2. Reservoir Limit Testing (R.L.T.)
    1. Oil reservoirs
    2. Gas reservoirs
  3. L.T. in Water-Drive Reservoirs
    1. Case studies (Fractured basement – Yemen)

Section 11:  Hydraulically Fractured Wells

(Duration 37 min)   Fee: $50.0

  1. Fracture characteristics
  2. Infinite conductivity frac (linear flow geometry)
  3. Test analysis of fraced wells used type curve and specialized plots
  4. Comparison and selection of frac treatment.
  5. Effective length of frac half-length
  6. Case study

Section 12:  Mini Frac (DFIT)  

(Duration: 1 hrs 27 min)   Fee: $115.0

  1. Applications/benefits
  2. Analysis of different types of DFIT and its combination tests
    1. Pre-Frac Closure
    2. Practical applications of the closure pressure
    3. After Closure Analysis (ACA)
  3. Analysis of a step-down test subsequent to DFIT
  4. Case studies

Section 13:  Gas Well Testing

(Duration: 30 min)  Fee: $50.0

  1. Gas vs. oil well testing
  2. Gas deliverability testing
  3. How to generate production forecast
  4. Class problem

Section 14:  Rate Transient Analysis (RTA)

(Duration: 60 min)  Fee: $80.0

  1. Use of type curve matching (Fetkovich and Blasingame type curves)
  2. Flowing material balance techniques (oil and gas)
  3. Normalized rate (By Agarwal)
  4. History matching technique
  5. Case studies

Section 15:  Multi-stage Frac of Horizontal Wells (MFHW’s)

(Duration: 20 min)  Fee: $40.0

  1. Flow regimes of MFHW
  2. How to analyze production data of MFHW
  3. Use of analytical and numerical methods.
  4. Case studies

Section 16:  Water Injectivity Tests

(Duration: 28 min)  Fee: $50.0

  1. Water compatibility tests
  2. Injectivity fall-off tests
  3. Step rate test
  4. Hall Plot
  5. Class problem and a Quiz!

Volume 2

Practical Aspects of Well Testing

Section 1:  Stages of Well testing

(Duration: 1 hr 15 min)  Fee: $100.0

  1. Well test stages:

Stage 1:     Prior to conducting the test
Stage 2:     During the test
Stage 3:     After conducting the test

  1. Operational problems
  2. Data quality of pressure, production, and fluid analysis data
  3. Numerous case studies

Section 2:  Pressure Transient Analysis (PTA) – step-by-step

(Duration: 1 hr 33 min)  Fee: $120.0

  1. Flow regime diagnoses
  2. Conventional analysis
    1. Horner plot
    2. Pressure derivative
  3. Model selection
  4. Case Examples

Section 3:  Well Test planning/design

(Duration: 52 min)  Fee: $75.0

  1. Equipment selection
  2. Test design
    1. Flow/build-up test
    2. Draw-down test
    3. Reservoir limit test (R.L.T)
  3. Horizontal well

Note: GST of 5% should be added to the above fees.