Basic Well Test Analysis
Saad Ibrahim, P. Engineer
Feb. 17-19 & Sept 8-10, 2025
Course Objective:
The objective of the Well Test Analysis Workshop is to provide a comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge of well test analysis techniques. Emphasis will be placed on the practical aspects of well testing and several class examples will be offered; a scientific hand calculator will be required. Further, the use of the analysis results as a reservoir management tool to make decisions related to reservoir development and well completion will be illustrated through actual case studies throughout the workshop. Recent developments in the testing of Multi-stage Frac of Horizontal Wells (MFHW’s) and Mini fracing (DFIT) are now included. Also, to offer hands-on experience, attendees are encouraged to bring interesting well test data for analysis and discussion in the class, using commercial software. A detailed course hand-out, which is an excellent reference, will be provided.
Live Online:
$2,400 per person plus 5% GST
On-demand (Recorded):
Cost: Full Course $1200 (+ 5% GST)
Download Full Fee Schedule (PDF)
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Who Should Attend:
This course is aimed at reservoir, petroleum, and exploitation engineers/technologists. Other discipline staff; such as geophysicists and geologists who are involved in the field development and exploitation will also benefit from this course.
Course Instructor:
Mr. Saad Ibrahim, P. Eng,

president of Petro Management Group Ltd. Mr. Ibrahim has over 35 years of diversified experience in the oil and gas industry as a worldwide highly recognized engineering consultant and a distinguished instructor. He also completed a post-graduate program with the University of Calgary in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. The focus of Mr. Ibrahim’s experience lies in the area of Reservoir management, EOR, and well test planning/analysis. Mr. Ibrahim is a member of APEGA and SPE.
Live Online:
Cost: Full Course $1600 (+ 5% GST)
On-demand (Recorded):
Cost: Full Course $1200 (+ 5% GST)
Download Full Fee Schedule (PDF)
Course Agenda:
Basic Well Test Analysis
Online course agenda:
Volume 1
Sections 1 to 3: Theoritical Background
(Duration 56 min ) Fee: $75.0
- Flow geometry
- Basic flow equations; Darcy, continuity, and diffusivity equations
- Boundary conditions; infinite acting, P.S.S, Steady state
- Dimensionless parameters and its use in Type Curve matching
Section 4: Solution of the Diffusivity Equation
(Duration: 1 hr 37 min) Fee: $120.0
- Infinite acting
- Pseudo Steady state (P.S.S)
- Steady state
- Class problem on well interference
Section 5: Buildup Test Analysis
(Duration: 60 min) Fee: $80.0
- Horner plot applications and its assumptions
- Pressure derivative as a flow regime diagnostic tool
- MBH correction to estimate average reservoir pressure
- Multi-rate analysis using superposition principle
- Test analysis of a channel (linear flow)
- Perforation Inflow Test Analysis (PITA)
Section 6: Wellbore damage
(Duration: 23 min) Fee: $40.0
- Causes of wellbore damage
- Pressure drop due to wellbore damage
- Well flow efficiency
- Well Productivity Index
- Class Problem
Section 7: Partial Penetration
(Duration 22 min) Fee: $50.0
- Reasons of partial penetration
- Partial penetration (pseudo) skin estimate
- Flow regimes of partial penetration
- Class problem
Section 8: Wellbore Storage (WBS)
(Duration: 48 min) Fee: $70.0
- Cause of wellbore storage
- Benefits of evaluating wellbore storage
- Wellbore dynamics effects
- Use of wellbore storage in well test design
Section 9: Well Types
(Duration: 18 min) Fee: $60.0
- Benefits of type curves
- Use of type curves
- How to extract reservoir parameters using type curves.
- Class problem
Section 10: Drawdown and Reservoir Limit Test (RLT)
(Duration: 56 min) Fee: $80.0
- Draw-down testing (transient)
- Reservoir Limit Testing (R.L.T.)
- Oil reservoirs
- Gas reservoirs
- L.T. in Water-Drive Reservoirs
- Case studies (Fractured basement – Yemen)
Section 11: Hydraulically Fractured Wells
(Duration 37 min) Fee: $50.0
- Fracture characteristics
- Infinite conductivity frac (linear flow geometry)
- Test analysis of fraced wells used type curve and specialized plots
- Comparison and selection of frac treatment.
- Effective length of frac half-length
- Case study
Section 12: Mini Frac (DFIT)
(Duration: 1 hrs 27 min) Fee: $115.0
- Applications/benefits
- Analysis of different types of DFIT and its combination tests
- Pre-Frac Closure
- Practical applications of the closure pressure
- After Closure Analysis (ACA)
- Analysis of a step-down test subsequent to DFIT
- Case studies
Section 13: Gas Well Testing
(Duration: 30 min) Fee: $50.0
- Gas vs. oil well testing
- Gas deliverability testing
- How to generate production forecast
- Class problem
Section 14: Rate Transient Analysis (RTA)
(Duration: 60 min) Fee: $80.0
- Use of type curve matching (Fetkovich and Blasingame type curves)
- Flowing material balance techniques (oil and gas)
- Normalized rate (By Agarwal)
- History matching technique
- Case studies
Section 15: Multi-stage Frac of Horizontal Wells (MFHW’s)
(Duration: 20 min) Fee: $40.0
- Flow regimes of MFHW
- How to analyze production data of MFHW
- Use of analytical and numerical methods.
- Case studies
Section 16: Water Injectivity Tests
(Duration: 28 min) Fee: $50.0
- Water compatibility tests
- Injectivity fall-off tests
- Step rate test
- Hall Plot
- Class problem and a Quiz!
Volume 2
Practical Aspects of Well Testing
Section 1: Stages of Well testing
(Duration: 1 hr 15 min) Fee: $100.0
- Well test stages:
Stage 1: Prior to conducting the test
Stage 2: During the test
Stage 3: After conducting the test
- Operational problems
- Data quality of pressure, production, and fluid analysis data
- Numerous case studies
Section 2: Pressure Transient Analysis (PTA) – step-by-step
(Duration: 1 hr 33 min) Fee: $120.0
- Flow regime diagnoses
- Conventional analysis
- Horner plot
- Pressure derivative
- Model selection
- Case Examples
Section 3: Well Test planning/design
(Duration: 52 min) Fee: $75.0
- Equipment selection
- Test design
- Flow/build-up test
- Draw-down test
- Reservoir limit test (R.L.T)
- Horizontal well
Note: GST of 5% should be added to the above fees.