Training: Petroleum Engineering for Non-engineers

Saad Ibrahim, P. Engineer
March 3-5 & Sept. 22-24, 2025

Course Objective:

This course is designed to provide non-engineering petroleum industry technical professionals with a thorough overview of most key aspects of petroleum engineering technology and its applications. The course addresses engineering issues ranging from initial involvement with explorationists, reserves evaluation and field development, production optimization, and all the aspects of well drilling. The sessions will focus on relevant and practical issues; including real case studies.

Live Online:

Cost: $2,400 (+ 5% GST)

On-demand (Recorded):
Cost: Full Course $1,300 (+ 5% GST)
Download Full Fee Schedule (PDF)

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Who Should Attend:

This course is aimed at non-engineering professionals involved in the oil industry and also for junior exploitation engineers/technologists, and geologists.

Course Instructor:

Mr. Saad Ibrahim, P. Eng,


president of Petro Management Group Ltd. Mr. Ibrahim has over 35 years of diversified experience in the oil and gas industry as a worldwide highly recognized engineering consultant and a distinguished instructor. He also completed a post-graduate program with the University of Calgary in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. The focus of Mr. Ibrahim’s experience lies in the area of Reservoir management, EOR, and well test planning/analysis. Mr. Ibrahim is a member of APEGA and SPE.

Live Online:
Cost: $2000 (+ 5% GST)

On-demand (Recorded):
Cost: Full Course $1300 (+ 5% GST)
Download Full Fee Schedule (PDF)

Course Agenda:

Petroleum Engineering for Non-engineers

Online course agenda:

Section 1:   Overview of the Oil Industry

(Duration 2 hr )  Fee: $120.0

  1. Role of petroleum engineers and all technical staff
  2. The main components of field development
  3. World supply and demand of oil and gas
  4. Oil industry value chain
  5. A brief review of various activities of the oil business

Section 2:   Petroleum Geology

(Duration: 1 hr 13 min)  Fee: $80.0

  1. Geologic cycle/time
  2. Depositional environment
  3. Types pf reservoir rocks
  4. Main Elements of petroleum reservoirs
  5. Conventional vs tight/unconventional reservoirs
  6. Geologic subsurface maps

Section 3:   Rock and Fluid Properties

(Duration: 1 hr 50 min)  Fee: $160.0

  1. Rock porosity; definitions and measurements
  2. Rock permeability, definitions and measurements.
  3. Rock wettability, capillary pressure and compressibility (case study)
  4. Hydrocarbon definitions and classifications
  5. Use of phase envelop for field development
  6. Physical properties of oil, gas, and water

Section 4:  Well Drilling and Completion Techniques

(Duration:  3 hrs 23 min)  Fee: $180.0

  1. Background/history
  2. Well construction/drilling
  3. Rotary drilling rig components
  4. Directional drilling
  5. Offshore drilling
  6. Well completion techniques

Section 5:   Formation/Well Evaluation

(Duration 50 min)   Fee: $70.0

  1. Mud logging
  2. Full core diameter and sidewall coring
  3. Open hole logging
  4. Well and wireline testing

Section 6:   Reservoir Drives and Reserves determination

(Duration: 2 hrs 29 min)   Fee: $180.0

  1. Primary, secondary, and tertiary recovery
  2. Various reservoir drives and related performance (case study)
  3. Reserves definitions/classifications
  4. Deterministic methods: volumetric, material balance, decline analysis
  5. Probabilistic and empirical methods (case study)

Section 7:   Reservoir Delineation and Development

(Duration: 2 hrs 5 min)  Fee: $150.0

  1. Organization structures and timeline tool
  2. Development plan decisions related to the well and the reservoir (case study)
  3. Types and applications of artificial lift
  4. Horizontal well applications (case studies)

Section 8:  Production Operations and Optinization

(Duration: 2 hrs 15 min)  Fee: $150.0

  1. Tools to estimate well productivity and optimization (case study)
  2. Production problems; diagnostic tools and remedial actions
  3. Well testing tool (case study)
  4. Well stimulation techniques; acidizing and fracing.

Section 9:  Enhanced Recovery mechanism

(Duration 28 min)   Fee: $60.0

  1. Review of EOR schemes
  2. Screening criteria of EOR schemes
  3. Design and planning of waterflood projects
  4. Performance monitoring of waterflood projects
  5. Review of chemical and CO2 flooding

Section 10:  Unconventional Oil and Gas  

(Duration: 1 hrs 38 min)   Fee: $120.0

  1. Conventional vs unconventional reservoirs
  2. Production profiles of heavy oil and oil sands in Canada
  3. Methods of thermal recovery of heavy oil (SAGD and CSS)
  4. Unconventional production mechanism including:
    1. Coal bed methane (CBM)
    2. Shale gas
    3. Tight oil and gas formations
  5. Optimization of horizontal well with multi stage frac (MFHW)

Section 11:  Environment and Decommissioning

(Duration: 28 min)  Fee: $60.0

  1. Impact of drilling on environment
  2. Chemical Management
  3. Waste Management
  4. Decommissioning and well abandonment

Section 12:  Economic Evaluation

(Duration: 26 min)  Fee: $60.0

  1. Basic economic formula
  2. Time value of money
  3. Profitability indices
  4. How to account for risks.

Note: GST of 5% is added to the above fees.