Review of Well Injection Tests

Mr. Saad Ibrahim, P. Eng
Jan. 13-14 & Oct. 27-28, 2025

Course Objective:

The purpose of this two-day course is to offer complete coverage of the various injection tests conducted in the industry; their applications and how to analyze test data. Injection tests are conducted for 1. water disposal and injection wells. 2. Steam injection wells. 3. Subsurface injection/disposal/storage of CO2. 4. Frac design using Mini frac tests or Diagnostic Fracture Injection Test (DFIT).

Learning outcome:

  1. Understand the theory/fundamentals of well-test interpretations, including flow geometry and boundary conditions.
  2. Understand the benefits of injectivity/fall-off tests to maximize water injection and select candidate wells for wellbore stimulation
  3. Select perforating intervals for unconventional reservoirs using N2 injectivity/fall-off tests
  4. Why conduct step-rate tests and packer leak-off tests
  5. Learn the benefits of the Hall plot for water disposal/injection wells
  6. Learn the applications of Diagnostic Fracture injection Test (DFIT) or Mini Frac and their requirements by the AER
  7. Understand the analysis techniques of DFIT including:
    • Pre-Frac Closure
    • After Closure Analysis (ACA)
    • Numerous case studies from the Duvernay and Haynesville shale gas
  8. Learn how to extract geomechanical parameters from DFIT; such as closure pressure, ISIP, and types of leak-off, which are essential to the frac design.
  9. Illustrate how injection tests are analyzed using commercial software

A detailed course hand-out, which is an excellent reference, will be provided. Hand calculators are required for this class.

Live Online:

Cost: $2,400 (+ 5% GST)

On-demand (Recorded):
Cost: Full Course $1000 (+ 5% GST)
Download Full Fee Schedule (PDF)

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This course is aimed at all the technical staff such as reservoir, petroleum and exploitation engineers/technologists, geophysicists, and geologists who are involved in well production/injection optimization and hydraulic frac design.

Mr. Saad Ibrahim, P. Eng, president of Petro Management Group Ltd. He has over 35 years of diversified experience in the oil and gas Industry as a worldwide highly recognized engineering consultant and a distinguished instructor. He also completed a post-graduate program with the University of Calgary in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. The focus of Mr. Ibrahim’s experience lies in the area of Reservoir management, and well test planning/analysis. Mr. Ibrahim is a member of APEGA and SPE.

Live Online:
Cost: $1,200 (+ 5% GST)

On-demand (Recorded):
Cost: Full Course $1000 (+ 5% GST)
Download Full Fee Schedule (PDF)

“Overview of Well Injection Tests” Course

(Pre-recorded option)

“Only pay for what you need”

For the On-Demand (pre-recorded) option, please make your selection of your choice:

  1. Attend the full course (all sections) for only $800.0, which is 20% off, + 5% GST
  2. Select the requested section(s), and add up the fee of each section + 5% GST


Course agenda:


Section 1:   Technical Background and Well Injectivity

(Duration 1 hr 20 minutes)  Fee: $130.0

  1. Review of the fundamentals of well test analysis
  1. Tips on maintaining well injectivity
  2. Case studies of evaluation of water disposal project
    1. Water disposal in the Keg River formation
  1. Water disposal in the Leduc formation


Section 2:   Injection and Fall-off Test

(Duration: 50 minutes)  Fee: $105.0

  1. Operation of injection/fall-off test
  1. Analysis technique
  2. Optimization of water disposal strategy (case study)
  1. Evaluation wellbore damage and treatment (case study)


Section 3:   Step Rate Tests

(Duration: 47 minutes)  Fee: $105.0

  1. Concept and interpretation of Hall Plot
  2. Step-down rate test.
  3. Maximum Well Head injection Pressure (MWHIP) set by the AER

Section 4:  Hall plot

(Duration:  32 minutes)  Fee: $80.0

  1. Applications/benefits
  1. Unique water injectivity problem
  2. Class problem
  1. Case study


Section 5:   Injection Tests for EOR Evaluation

(Duration 28 minutes)   Fee: $80.0

  1. Review of methods to measure residual oil situation
  1. Single Well Chemical Tracer Tests (SWCTT)
  2. Case study of SWCTT

Section 6:   Mini Frac Analysis

(Duration: 3 hrs)   Fee: $315.0

  1. Introduction to DFIT
  2. Applications/benefits
  3. Types of combination tests of FIT
  4. Analysis techniques:
    1. Pre-Frac Closure
    2. After-Closure Analysis (ACA)
    3. After-flow Analysis
  5. Practical applications of DFIT
  6. Case studies


Section 7:   Cap Rock Testing

(Duration: 40 minutes)  Fee: $105.0

  1. Integrity of the Cap Rock
  2. Test procedures of the cap test and interpretation techniques
  3. Case study.


Section 8:  Mini Frac (DFIT) Test Design

(Duration: 30 minutes)  Fee: $80.0

  1. Statistical and empirical design methods
  1. Use of commercial software for test design
  2. Case studies.  Methods of controlling water/gas breakthrough
  3. Optimization study of optimizing MFHW for waterflooding



Note: GST of 5% should be added to the above fees.