Performance Evaluation of Refraced Wells

One day course (In-person, Calgary)
Jan. 16 & Sept. 17, 2025

Course Objectives:

Well refracing has become a game changer in the oil industry. However, proper planning, selection of candidate wells, and prediction of refrac results is essential.  This course deals with how to evaluate the expected performance of refracing and the comparison of other option such as infill drilling using various up-to-date analytical and numerical software.

Who Should Attend?

This course is aimed at all the technical staff such as reservoir, petroleum and exploitation engineers/technologists, geophysicists, who are involved in hydraulic fracing

Why attend the course:

  • Get familiar with the applications of Refracing and iys benefits
  • Receive understanding the impact of reservoir and frac characteristics on Refracing
  • Learn about the Pitfalls of refracing
  • Learn how to select good candidate wells for refracing (case studies)
  • Become familiar with the techniques used to evaluate the performance expectation from refracing (Case studies)

For more information about this course (in-person) and other training programs, please visit our website or call Saad (403) 616-8330, e-mail:

Cost: $850 plus 5% GST

New payment method is available: E-Transfer to
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